Write a Letter to the Editor

What Makes a Good Letter to the Editor? 

 In General

  • Length of Letter to the Editor (LTE) – aim for 150-200 words. Check the paper’s website for maximum length (e.g., 350 words for the Columbia Gorge News currently).

  • Make one point in your letter. State the point clearly, ideally in the first sentence.

  • Make your letter timely - e.g., respond to an article published very recently, or to a recent or near-future event.

  • If you are trying to influence a legislator or corporation, include the full name in your letter. If your letter includes a legislator’s name, in almost all cases staff will give him or her the letter to read personally. Corporations also monitor the media, especially in areas where they have offices or operations.

  • Have an action item at the end - What do you want the reader to do with this information? Or if the letter is directed at a person or group, what do you want them to do?

Make Your Plan

  • What is the issue?

    • Example: Immigration

  • What is your point of view?

    • Example: How immigration-related fear harms the children in our communities

  • Significance to readership - why should they care?

    • Example: Compassion for kids; bad for kids’ health, behavior, school engagement, learning; affects entire school community.

  • Give it a human spin - tell your personal story about or personal connection to issue, if possible.

    • Example: “I am a teacher in a middle school with 50% Hispanic population. Recently I heard a child say . . . .”

Get Writing​ 

  • Be direct. Be clear. Be brief. Use short sentences.

  • First sentence – State your one point (the issue and your point of view).

  • Rest of first paragraph - Put the heart of your letter in the first 30 or 40 words of the first paragraph. This is the baited hook that lures your audience in. Make this paragraph absolutely to the point. If you have special qualifications related to the topic you're addressing, include that (e.g. you’re a doctor writing about a health issue, or a Prius owner writing about hybrid cars).

  • Later paragraph(s) - Support your main point with facts, statistics, significance to readership, “human spin,” etc. Communicate your point of view and why you care.

  • Last paragraph - Tie back to first paragraph. Wrap your letter up by explaining what you think needs to happen now. Make your call to action.                                                                

Submit Your LTE for Publication

Check the newspaper website to find its word limit for LTEs and for instructions about submitting your LTE. If submitting online is an option, do that.
Our local paper, Columbia Gorge News, has a word limit of 350 words, and has online submission.